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23 Jun

How Businesses are Using Social Media

Posted by: Biserka Anderso

Social media has become the de factomarketing tool for companies of all stripes and now we have stats to back this up – 94% of businesses now blog, tweet, pin and post, according to MBA Programs who have visualised the data in this nifty infographic.

Social media has started to change the way businesses operate. The more social media accounts a business has, the more customers a business is opening its doors to. Whilst this is a good thing, it can also lead to a lot of questions and feedback. This is why some companies decide to use social media management software and other related tools to keep track of their activities and conversations.

Instagram is one of the most popular applications today, meaning that your business may want to consider this app. Instagram is often the option for most companies because it allows them to post pictures of their products, whilst also allowing customers to message them with any question they have. Coping with all of these messages can be done by downloading an application that lets you access your instagram dms online.

But while blogging is businesses’ fourth most favourite social media tool (unsurprisingly, after Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn), it looks like it is in decline in the business world, with the share of companies with blogs dropping from 50% in 2010 to 37% in 2011. This is a worrying trend, not least because it brings to the fore all the opportunities non-blogging businesses are missing out on – raising brand awareness, increasing online visibility, establishing their reputation as thought leaders, to name a few. It also goes to show that while they have grasped the need for social media in general, some businesses still don’t understand the massive value a regularly updated company blog can bring to a business or brand. Some industries are adopting a cross over in traditional marketing products and social media after realizing the importance that social media has on brand visibility. For example, many healthcare facilities are distributing such marketing products as promotional clothing for hospitals to their staff and featuring photos on their social media platforms of staff in said products.

Check out the data contained in the infographic and tell us what tangible benefits you’ve seen from corporate blogging. We particularly recommend the six mini-tips at the bottom of the infographic – worth printing, cutting out and pinning on your office wall for reference.

Jun 20, 2012 / Blog / Musings

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