An apple with a bite out of it is instantly recognizable — but delivering a logo with such iconic potential is more complicated than simply going from A to B. In fact, the road to a killer logo is often times a windy path. Take a look at this great infographic outline of the logo
I LOVE THIS ONE! Every night of Chanukah Jen K posted one of these ….she told her fans that on day 8 there will be a special “lucky girl giveaway” and sure enough on Day 8 she asked her fans to guess which night are she giving away. This campaign increased Jen K Designs fan

When my firstborn daughter arrived in this world, it was only 2 months after 9-11. I remember thinking “What kind of world am I bringing a human being into?” 11 years, 3 more children later I still have those thoughts after every senseless horrific tragedy that befalls our fragile world. From mumbai, to Itamar, to