Posted by: Biserka Anderso Social media has become the de factomarketing tool for companies of all stripes and now we have stats to back this up – 94% of businesses now blog, tweet, pin and post, according to MBA Programs who have visualised the data in this nifty infographic. Social media has started to change

by Michal Weinstein Over the past few years SOCIAL MEDIA (particularly Facebook) has become a big part of the services my company MLWDESIGN offers. It was a natural progression considering how it works hand in hand with web design and requires at times customized graphics. So it’s safe to say, between personally being a facebooker

Let me start by saying that when I put my mind to something, anything…I go all out. It’s just how I’m wired and who I am. So August 19, 2007 when this new website fell into my radar called facebook, I joined. In those days few of my friends were on and I was still